Sustainable hardcups for festivals

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In the Netherlands, festivals create an average of 62,000,000 kilograms of waste per festival every year. Of this, only 1% is recycled. Happy Cups offers a solution to this problem.

100% Sustainable festival cups
Designed for big events
Made from biodegradable material
Fossil-free product from the Netherlands

The most environmental friendly solution

Happy Cups’ reusable festival cups are an extremely eco-friendly choice. The cups are made with fossil-free PHA bio plastic . Thanks to an innovative production process, we managed to make bioplastic with a bacterium, which is fed by organic material. It is not only sustainable, but also innovative!

The fossil-free plastic is fully degradable in nature. Both in soil and water, the cups are completely dissolved into minerals after a few months, which are even a food source for nature!

These events use Happy Cups

Sustainable festival cups

You increasingly see festivals wanting to become more sustainable. Logical, as diesel generators and plastic waste, among other things, are very harmful to the environment. By switching to bio hardcups, your festival immediately becomes a lot more sustainable. You save a huge load of waste, as the cups are reusable and cleaned in our car wash after use.

Also consider alerting festival-goers to the sustainable nature of the cup. Our sustainable festival cups have been extensively tested at festivals.

Bio hardcups for festivals: buy or rent

Our organic hardcups for festivals are not only for sale, but also for rent. Of course, it is possible to order large quantities, where we also offer the option of personalising the cups with a logo.

Are you also ready to actually start doing sustainable business? Take the first step: choose sustainable and reusable event cups. Get in touch if you are interested or have any questions. We would love to help you with our unique bio hardcups for festivals!

Het systeem

Step 1: Delivery

Your cups will be delivered to your location including collection bin.

Step 2: Pick up

The bins will be collected and cleaned after or during your event.

Stap 3: Clean up

The cups are cleaned for reuse in our professional wash installation

How to use Happy Cups during festivals or events

Upon entry, each visitor buys or receives a cup. This can be done on the basis of giving a token. Think of a token as a coin, an app token or, for example, with a cupcord. When ordering a drink, a visitor gives his token to the bar with his order. 1 token equals 1 cup for a drink.

Is the drink finished? Then you hand the cup back when getting another drink or exchange it for your token. You use this token again for a new cup at your next drink. If you lose your token, you can ask for a refund if you wish.


Ons assortiment

Een terugkerend event of een eenmalig festival? Voor alle soorten evenementen is er een Happy Cup te gebruiken.

Happy koffie cup
Happy festival cups
Happy event beker
Happy drinkbekers


Do you have any questions about Happy Cups? Or would you like to get in touch with us directly for a quote? Then fill in the form below. We will get back to you as soon as possible!

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